viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Is it a men's world really?

In antiquity, the society was very different that now!, in this period, the man was the only with a important role in the society. The men worked outside of home, in different professions, while the woman, she stayed in home and performed all task here, for example, cook, clean, wash, iron and care to children. Generally, only men received salary by his work, and the most of the homes were mantained for they. For this reason, the woman was not considered very important in society in any aspects.
However, little by little, the woman has been obtaining most importance in the society, because now she no only is worried of task in her home, the woman has fought very much for her rights and with this, she has achieved be most valued.

Now, both men and women have very similar roles, the woman have most opportunities for study and she can developed some professional career. The woman can work in different places and the works that before was considered only for men, today the woman also can performed them.
Also, the society slowly has over with the discrimination to woman and with this each day there is less social differences and the world is for both men and women equally.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dani I wrote a very similar thing in my blog!..
    Iam very agree with you..

    So lets go Woman power

    I am very tired because this was an awfull week.!!

  2. Yes I think that the rol it so equal now between woman and man, this is good, but I think that exist irreplaceable rols that we can found only in the female gender like the maternity and in the male like the paternity, I want to say that in a marriage we must have a man and a woman to that the children have a good teach.

    Thank you.
