viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Health prevention

In the world, every day there are most new diseases, wich increase in specific periods of the year as the winter. In this period the most of the children and the population in general is affected by different infections respiratory principally.

The health personnel have a very important role in the prevention and education of the population.
In the case of common diseases, the prevention includes: wash to hands, wash food carefully, drinking water, avoid the overcrowding, avoid the proximity with sick people, do physical activity often, etc.
Also there are other kinds of health problems, wich are becoming more common, this are the accidents, this prevention is a few different from common diseases and includes: not drinking alcohol excessivelly and not drive drunk, not consume drugs, avoid contact with electrical appliances in poor condition, avoid the contact of the children with the fire, etc.

This steps of prevention should be spread in the population of differents ways. For example, in the case of children, the prevention should be taught early in the school, so they can avoid since littles to have health problems. In the case of adults, the education also is important, but of other way, for example, through brochures, through publicity, in state programms, etc.

The physical therapist have an important role in the education of peolple in all health problems, specially in musculoeskeletal and respiratory problems

1 comentario:

  1. Daniela:

    Is a good way to prevent, but I think that we must promove the love for ourselves, in adittion to prevent.

    Have a nice weekend!
