martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


Today, the pace of life accelerates exaggerated people as they grow. People get more responsibilities and on a demanding world, you must know to comply with many things in a very short time. This makes the stress levels of the population increase, bringing negative consequences both personally and socially.
Among the consequences that comes from this social disease you can find many different types from natural and hair loss, immune system failure and wrinkling of the skin, even as strong as psychological depression and anxiety disorders, and other types like feeding disorders.
To combat this social cancer is widely used to measure anxiety as an escape, although many people abuse them and falls into intoxication and addiction problems because of these drugs are sold without prescription. Alternative medicine is gaining ground as well as treatments with professional psychologists and psychiatrists. Another way which people combat stress is with yoga, massage and tea with many types of herbs and essences.
About people who suffer from this disease, their ages are concentrated between 16 and 50 years, where people are more active than childhood and begin to take greater responsibility ending at the old age, where people's activity decreases substantially.A fast expansion of networks and connectivity of society and the changes it has undergone in technology have meant that the disease reaches even children, which are influenced by the models they see on TV everyday, they begin to suffer from an age increasingly earlier and more severe consequences for their further development.

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