martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Our national dances.

Chile is a country that have many wonderful places in all your area, in each places of Chile there are different costumers, as the food, the wardrobe and the dances.
In the north zone, the weather is very hot, but the northerns wear many chothes very colour and the dances are very funny. In this zone is celebrated the most important festival of dance in honour to Virgen del Carmen, for celebrate this festival come many people of different places of the world.
In the central zone, the tipical dance is "La Cueca", this dance also is considered the national dance. La cueca is tipical of the rural people where the "huaso" try conquer to woman with several tapping.
In the south zone, the weather is more cold, for this the dances are more fast and with many jumps and tapping. Chiloe and your dances are the most known in the south. The most important dances are, the balls, pericona, seguidilla.

My favourite place is Isla de Pascua, in this place the weather is very pleasant and tropical and the peolple is very happy and all the people love your zone.
In the island the tipical dances are "Sau Sau", "Tamure", "Hoko" and "Kai Kai"
The Sau sau is the tipical dance of woman, is very smart and the movements are very slow.
In contrast, the Tamure is very sensual and the movements of hip is very quickly.
The Hoko is a dance of men, where a fight is simulated for the dancers.
And Finally (My favourite dance) is the Kai Kai, in this dance the woman make several figures with yarn while dance