miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

The Mozart Effect: Making smart babies

Mozart Effect is known as the effect that music can produce in people which sleeps listening Mozart soft melodies or get concentrated with soft music.This effect has been investigated since 1990, when in the United States people started to get information about this effect. In that decade, so many books had been released giving a lot of basis for a theory about how people gets more clever listening music.

This effect, as the researchers had found in these researches, is radicated in Mozart Music’s patterns. Soft music stimulates the relaxation of brain areas, making neuronal processes be more clean. Also, heart beats slower when people is listening soft music, the blood pressure decreases and tired feeling gets reduced when they awake with more strenght.

When kids listen classical music when they are sleeping, also are reducing the probability of having nightmares. Sleeping good makes people face the life with a bigger determination and even, be more happier in day life. These could be the reason why people under Mozart effect makes people be succesful. Determination is the heart strenght to do things when the people lacks of knowledge.

Although this effect has not been scientifically proven (some researchers put this with the placebo effect), mothers make their babies sleep listening to music like Vivaldi or Mozart soft versions that speech therapists have released for sale for many years andbe an important topic to learn evolution of human intelligence over the next year or whether this effect was only a myth.

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Myth and truth about the brain

On the last tuesday, the doctor Pedro Maldonado did a oral interaction about the brain, their anatomical configuration, the weight, number of neurons and synapsis, etc.
The main topic was Myth and truth about the brain.

The ideas were:
-The human brain is very different from the brains of other animals.
This is a myth, because physiologically all the brains are same, with the same components, but localized in different places.

-Every brain function is localized in a specific place of the brain.
This is a myth, because there are many areas of the brain that are activated when an action is realized, for example look, listen, etc.

-The brain main functions is to represent the world around us
This is a myth too, because we perceive the world depending on our interests and our atention.

-The brain functions like a computer.
This is a myth, because a computer hasn´t the capacity of change as the brain. In the brain there the cortical plasticity, which allows that in the case of an cerebral accident the cortex can adapt to continue working of good way.

In general, the people has a false perception of the function of the brain, and is very interesting this topic because much of the population suffer any neurological problem as hearing loss, depression, stroke, parkinson, schizophrenia. In chile this pathologies have increased in the 10 last years.

My opinion about this oral interaction is that was very important for my career and for my was very interesting topic.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


On tuesday in the English class, the Doctor Lorena Binfa gave us a nice talk about the sexuality, the position of the women, the aborption.
Some time ago, the view of the society about sexuality was extremaly male chauvinist, the woman was considered a object for the men. Also the sexuality is considered in our country a taboo topic.
The women hasn't straight to give your opinion about any topic, because your opinion wasn't considered by the society.
In topic related to sexuality, the women was very inferior to men. The men can do many things with the women, al times could get to abused them.

In the case of a pregnant woman that would abort your baby, she can not decide about your condition, because the law prohibit it. For the law, all kind of aborption is considered a crime, including the espontaneus aborption

My opinion is that the talk was very interesting because it talked about issues that are important in society, the role of women relative to men is a subject little discussed in terms of topics related to sexuality, not known the rights that women or they can take decisions on issues like abortion, the legal significance that has to act without information

Machismo today is not as strong as in earlier times, which gives more rights to women regarding various issues, the law covers sexual abuse against women and violence.

Sexuality issues could be improved if we were informed from small.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


Today, the pace of life accelerates exaggerated people as they grow. People get more responsibilities and on a demanding world, you must know to comply with many things in a very short time. This makes the stress levels of the population increase, bringing negative consequences both personally and socially.
Among the consequences that comes from this social disease you can find many different types from natural and hair loss, immune system failure and wrinkling of the skin, even as strong as psychological depression and anxiety disorders, and other types like feeding disorders.
To combat this social cancer is widely used to measure anxiety as an escape, although many people abuse them and falls into intoxication and addiction problems because of these drugs are sold without prescription. Alternative medicine is gaining ground as well as treatments with professional psychologists and psychiatrists. Another way which people combat stress is with yoga, massage and tea with many types of herbs and essences.
About people who suffer from this disease, their ages are concentrated between 16 and 50 years, where people are more active than childhood and begin to take greater responsibility ending at the old age, where people's activity decreases substantially.A fast expansion of networks and connectivity of society and the changes it has undergone in technology have meant that the disease reaches even children, which are influenced by the models they see on TV everyday, they begin to suffer from an age increasingly earlier and more severe consequences for their further development.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Our national dances.

Chile is a country that have many wonderful places in all your area, in each places of Chile there are different costumers, as the food, the wardrobe and the dances.
In the north zone, the weather is very hot, but the northerns wear many chothes very colour and the dances are very funny. In this zone is celebrated the most important festival of dance in honour to Virgen del Carmen, for celebrate this festival come many people of different places of the world.
In the central zone, the tipical dance is "La Cueca", this dance also is considered the national dance. La cueca is tipical of the rural people where the "huaso" try conquer to woman with several tapping.
In the south zone, the weather is more cold, for this the dances are more fast and with many jumps and tapping. Chiloe and your dances are the most known in the south. The most important dances are, the balls, pericona, seguidilla.

My favourite place is Isla de Pascua, in this place the weather is very pleasant and tropical and the peolple is very happy and all the people love your zone.
In the island the tipical dances are "Sau Sau", "Tamure", "Hoko" and "Kai Kai"
The Sau sau is the tipical dance of woman, is very smart and the movements are very slow.
In contrast, the Tamure is very sensual and the movements of hip is very quickly.
The Hoko is a dance of men, where a fight is simulated for the dancers.
And Finally (My favourite dance) is the Kai Kai, in this dance the woman make several figures with yarn while dance

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

My favourite book

Today, I going to talk about my favourite book, I readed it 6 years ago and I loved it very much.
I readed this book because my mother recommended it to me.
The name of the book is "Elegi vivir", this piece is the autobiography of Daniela García, she is a young woman very strong, which had an accident very dangerous. Daniela lost your four extremities when she was hit by a train.
In this book, Daniela tells all your history, the moment of the accident, when was taken to the hospital, all the process of rehab in diferents places of the world, your return to university, and when was able to talk again. All the time she had force for continue with your rehab and with your life in general.

When I readed this book, I'm excited very much, because Daniela is a real example of a woman very strong, courageous and persevering. she after the accident, never losted the hope in relive, she fought always for recuperate and visited many places for your rehab. This book, also help me for decide me to study my career, Physical therapy, because I realized that I could help to many people, even in the most terrible accidents.
When I work, I like me tell my patients about this book, because is very emotions and could help to patients for never lost the hope in the rehab and they can feel that the life is the most wonderful that there and they can say "I choose to live".

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

MI english experience

This semester, in the english course, I started to write in english, I never had wrote in english, and was a very good experience for me, because this help me to practice more the writing in this idiom. In the start, to do a blog was very difficult for me, but with the time I can write more quickly. Also I achieve extend my vocabulary in english and of this way can understand other things in english in the moment of read.
In general. I think that the experience of write in a own blog was very good for me and for all the course, because with this we are accustomed to work of other way, and now, maybe we are able of understand more thinks that before, we extended our vocabulary and the written english is more familiar for us.
Also from writting I had to learn to search information in different web pages in english, which before of the course cost me very much.
As soon as the advantages, this are the previously mentioned, and I think that the disadvantages can be that never we recieved the corrections of the blogs written, which is very important for can improve in the next blogs and dont to err in the same.
My suggestions for the next course are, sometimes, make groups of work that can investigate more about a topic of interest to students, and write about it, of this way, the blogs would serve also for theirs career and would learn a most technique language.

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

My ideal job

Since I was very young, I dreamt work in the health area, I wanted to be the best doctor and can heal to every children in the world.
Now, that I study physical therapy, a career relationed with the health, my dream continues, but today this are more realists.
My dream in five or six year is to work in my own clinic, with a team of physical therapists, they especialized in differents area of the physical therapy, in order to our clinic can offer a complete service for patients. Also will be very interesting that our clinic could be associated to a traditional clinic, because, of this way, these clinics or hospitals won't collapse and the patients derivated to physical therapy can receive a better and more especialized attention.
In this place, I would like to work with all kind of patients, but especially with childrens in the area of rehab.
Also I would love to work in a public hospital, cause I think people there has more difficulties to get access to a good health. In public hospitals, I would like to work in respiratory area cause in Winter, childrens have a lot of diseases caused by colds and viruses, making hospitals collapse with breathless childs which can't pay for a better service.
I hope I could work in both places. It means, these places must be near eachother and has differents work turns. This way, I could help people and make money for myself.

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Health prevention

In the world, every day there are most new diseases, wich increase in specific periods of the year as the winter. In this period the most of the children and the population in general is affected by different infections respiratory principally.

The health personnel have a very important role in the prevention and education of the population.
In the case of common diseases, the prevention includes: wash to hands, wash food carefully, drinking water, avoid the overcrowding, avoid the proximity with sick people, do physical activity often, etc.
Also there are other kinds of health problems, wich are becoming more common, this are the accidents, this prevention is a few different from common diseases and includes: not drinking alcohol excessivelly and not drive drunk, not consume drugs, avoid contact with electrical appliances in poor condition, avoid the contact of the children with the fire, etc.

This steps of prevention should be spread in the population of differents ways. For example, in the case of children, the prevention should be taught early in the school, so they can avoid since littles to have health problems. In the case of adults, the education also is important, but of other way, for example, through brochures, through publicity, in state programms, etc.

The physical therapist have an important role in the education of peolple in all health problems, specially in musculoeskeletal and respiratory problems

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Is it a men's world really?

In antiquity, the society was very different that now!, in this period, the man was the only with a important role in the society. The men worked outside of home, in different professions, while the woman, she stayed in home and performed all task here, for example, cook, clean, wash, iron and care to children. Generally, only men received salary by his work, and the most of the homes were mantained for they. For this reason, the woman was not considered very important in society in any aspects.
However, little by little, the woman has been obtaining most importance in the society, because now she no only is worried of task in her home, the woman has fought very much for her rights and with this, she has achieved be most valued.

Now, both men and women have very similar roles, the woman have most opportunities for study and she can developed some professional career. The woman can work in different places and the works that before was considered only for men, today the woman also can performed them.
Also, the society slowly has over with the discrimination to woman and with this each day there is less social differences and the world is for both men and women equally.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010


Of all foods, there are very few that I don't like. For me, the most of the foods are very tasty...

My favourite dish is the Lasagna! but I eat in few occasions. Also I like the sweet foods, as the ice cream of raspberry and chocolate, the pastry, the cookies, the chocolate, etc. This are my guilty pleasure. I would eat only that jaja, but lamentably, this foods aren't good for the health, therefore I try don't eat so much sweets.
Also I like the fruits very much, I eat many peaches, apples, orange, watermelon, grapes, depending on your harvest time, but my favourite fruit is the strawberry, and in this case, the fruits are foods very healthy, for its high vitamin content, and are fundamental in a diet.

For other part, there are others very important foods in the diet, for example, the proteins (as the meat, eggs, etc), the milk, the vegetables and carbohydrates. All foods named previously should be part of a healthy diet in different proportions. Thus be a normal growth development in children and a healthy life in any age.

In contrast to previous, also there are types of foods called "junk food", that, despite being very savory, and very consumed for the people, this are very bad for health, causing many diseases in society as obesity and hypertension.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

My career

As a student of Physical Therapy, I think that the most important points of this career are; to participate in the rehabilitation of persons who have suffered any kind of accidents or any kind of illness, to know about the human body anatomy and to know about the human movement and how it is controled.
I love my career, because I have the vocation of working with patients and to help them through the healing of the body. Also I have a dream, that is to be part of the Teleton institution and help children with disability. For this reason I wanted to enter at Physical Therapy.
My greatest expectation in this moment in relation with my career is to learn manual therapies that will be useful both for skeletal muscle problems such as for respiratory ones, that are very common in our society.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

The best physical therapist.

When I was in the school. always I wanted to be working in the health area. What interested me most was the rehabilitation of people what they were have different accidents. Then I decided to study Physical therapy.
When I to start in my course, I meet a most teachers, all they very good in your area.
The teacher what I semeed me most interesting and I admire is Vicente Mauri. He is Physical therapist, Magister in manual therapy, expert in palpation. He does classes at students of Physical therapy of Universidad de Chile. When I had a class with him, I learned most things that have relation with the career as the direct contact with patients and different techniques to locate anatomical structures and to measure the muscular condition. This classes were very interesting and dinamics, because all the students involving and we practised the techniques learned. Also the teacher always was pending of our doubts.
This teacher helped me with this techniques and for this reason I learned very much. Now the manual therapy is my favourite area in the Physical therapy, and I would like to become expert in this.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

My hobbies

Since I was little, I loved to have many friends, who accompanied me in my hobbies.
My principal hobby is dancing. I love all kinds of music, but principaly the cheerful rhythms.
I danced in Bafochi, a Folk company of Chile. I entered this company because I had always danced Folk and I loved this company.
There I danced most kinds of dances from different places of the world and specifically Chilean dances. In this place, I met many friends, who are still very close to me.
Now that I study in the university, I can't continue dancing in this company, because I don't have much time, but I try to take dance classes in other places with my friends.
My other hobbies are to go out with my friends, when I have time, always I try visit them and to talk with them or go to a party. Also I love swimming, but I'm not very good in this, therefore I'm take classes with my friends too.
In the most of my hobbies, I can share with many people and also meet many people of different places and to form relationship whit them.
In this moment, I can't do all the things that I like, but I try take all my free time.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Earthquake in Chile

The day 27 of February, 2010, was the first earthquake of my life.

In this moment, I was sleeping in my home, after arriving from a party with my friends, and when it started, I woke up and went to my brother's room. He had very afraid, when we went to the garden, where were my parents.

We all had very afraid, and I was very worried for my sister, because she wasn't with we.

When finished, inmediatly started I started to call her by phone, but was impossible.

My parents went to the neighbors, and afortunatly, all were ok. While I trying to calm my little bhothers.
Then of a moment, all my family was more quiet, I managed to talk with my sister, and I was more relax.
In general, I was quiet and I didn't realize of the damage until that I watched the news in the tv.

The following days, I tried to help people who needed it.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Who I am?

I'm Daniela Burgos, I'm student of the Universidad de Chile of the career of Phisycal Therapy.
Today, I created this blog in a English class, where I going to can post about of differents subjects according to view in the class.
This blog will help me to exchange information with my classmates, to give my opinion about of yours posts, to learn a best form of to writte in English and thus can to achieve writing things with more difficult, in the future.
I invite you to visit my blog.
